Fraud offences

Fraud Defence Solicitors

Our fraud solicitors are specialists in supporting and defending individuals or businesses accused of committing fraud. Our extensive experience of SFO, HMRC & POCA Investigations provides certainty that our fraud solicitors in Sheffield, Leeds, or York will provide the best legal advice no matter where you live in England or Wales.

Fraud solicitors in Leeds, Sheffield and York – specialists in defence representation for all fraud offences

To discuss your requirements please contact Jeremy Scott on 07971520407.

If you have been accused of serious fraud, have been arrested, or have been informed of an investigation, you need specialist advice. Your business may also be held criminally accountable for the actions of an employee where it can be shown there was a failure to prevent or detect white-collar crimes such as money laundering and fraud.

We have a wealth of experience across a wide spectrum of cases in this area and have a proven track record of successfully defending individuals and businesses against fraud, including allegations of serious fraud. No matter what the circumstances are, our team of expert fraud solicitors will support you throughout the investigation to find the best possible outcome.

In high-value fraud cases, the prosecution will often move to seize, restrain or confiscate your assets long before any charges have been brought. This can have a devastating impact on you, your family, and your business. Our fraud defence solicitors will always be proactive in our response to these potentially disruptive steps and strive to avoid or minimise the repercussions.

If you or your business is facing a serious fraud investigation, engaging the services of Lupton Fawcett offers you the optimum chance of achieving a positive outcome.

What is fraud?

An act of fraud involves using deception or dishonesty to get an unfair advantage.

Under The Fraud Act 2006, many offences are defined where the intention is “to make a gain for one’s self or another, or to cause loss to another, or to expose another to a risk of loss.”

There are three main types of fraud:

  • Fraud by false representation
  • Fraud by failure to disclose information when there is a legal duty to do so
  • Fraud by abuse of position
  • Some examples of fraud offences are:

    • embezzlement;
    • bank fraud;
    • credit card fraud;
    • cyber fraud;
    • counterfeiting and forgery;
    • identity fraud;
    • insurance fraud;
    • mortgage fraud;
    • pension fraud;
    • property fraud; and
    • serious high value fraud (SFO).
    • When should you seek legal advice?

      It is always advisable to seek legal advice as early as possible in any process.

      However, a person or business may only become aware that they are the target of an investigation when they are arrested or invited to a voluntary interview at a police station.

      We are available to support our clients 24/7.   A police interview can be an intimidating experience – we will be by your side throughout and will ask the necessary questions to find out the extent of the evidence against you.

      Contact our fraud lawyers in our Leeds, Sheffield and York offices immediately if you:

      • Have been informed that you are under investigation
      • Have been asked to speak to the authorities
      • Are facing a prosecution
      • Have been charged with fraud
      • By seeking advice at the earliest opportunity, you give yourself the best possible chance of securing a positive outcome to the situation faced.

        We recommend speaking to our fraud defence solicitors as soon as you are informed that you are under investigation. However, we are able to provide advice and representation at any stage of the proceedings.

        If you are the target of an investigation by a regulatory body or law enforcement agency or if you’ve been formally arrested and charged, there are steps we can take in the early days to protect your rights, freedom and reputation.

        Police officers and detectives have a distinct advantage when dealing with someone who is unrepresented and may have a limited understanding of his or her rights.

        Refusing to speak to the police and immediately exercising your right to have a lawyer present, is the best way to protect your future.

        Why choose Lupton Fawcett’s fraud solicitors?

        Over the last 30 years, we have acted on some of the most complex and high profile fraud investigations.  We know how to put together a formidable defence, assembling a team of experts to ensure that we can challenge and negotiate effectively with prosecutors and investigators. We have relationships with the best barristers and expert witnesses to enhance your defence and we’ll offer clear, practical solutions throughout your case.

        Whatever your level of involvement, our goal is to remove as much stress as possible and to minimise the impact on your business.

        Our fraud solicitors will liaise with the police, HMRC or other regulatory bodies on your behalf, and advise you on what to say if anything, should you be required to attend an interview.

        We are proud of our reputation for tenacity, creativity, and ability to win cases other firms could lose. If you are accused of serious fraud, contact us for the reassurance of having the most effective defence possible.

        Some of the fraud offences that Lupton Fawcett have expertise in are:


        An embezzlement is a form of fraud whereby an individual or business uses a position of trust to misappropriate assets or funds they have lawful access to.

        Bank fraud

        Bank fraud involves using dishonest means to obtain money or assets from a bank or its customers.

        Credit card fraud

        At Lupton Fawcett, our fraud solicitors are skilled and experienced at handling highly complex cases involving credit card fraud, and we will robustly challenge the evidence against you.

        Cyber fraud

        Cybercrime is the fastest-growing form of fraud in the world today.  It involves the use of computers and the Internet to hack personal and financial information in various ways including email or SMS phishing scams, malware and identity theft among others.

        Counterfeiting & forgery

        Forgery and counterfeiting involve making copies or fakes of an item or items with the intention of making someone else believe them to be the genuine article.  This could be money, documents, certificates, or a signature.

        Identity fraud

        Identity fraud is a serious offence with significant penalties imposed by the authorities.

        It involves the dishonest use of another person’s or organisation’s identity to benefit themselves (or others), and/or cause a loss for the victim.

        If you are being investigated for identity fraud you should seek legal advice immediately.

        Insurance fraud

        Insurance fraud is a serious crime with serious consequences for those found guilty.  Insurance fraud usually involves falsely claiming against an insurance policy, or falsely representing the facts when taking out a policy.

        Other examples of insurance fraud include:

        • Claiming damages for an accident that never took place.
        • Deliberately causing a road accident and then claiming against the innocent driver’s insurance for compensation.
        • Claiming for injuries to passengers who were not in the vehicle at the time of the accident.
        • Failing to disclose or misrepresenting material facts on the insurance application forms
        • Exaggerating injuries or losses to increase the value of a settlement
        • Mortgage fraud

          Mortgage fraud usually involves making false claims on a mortgage application to obtain a mortgage you would not otherwise be eligible for, overvaluing properties, overstating income, or manipulating title deeds. Mortgage fraud often involves a corrupt professional in a regulated sector such as a solicitor, mortgage broker or surveyor and may also involve charges of money laundering.

          Pension fraud

          Pension fraud usually occurs either because an employer has acted fraudulently in providing the pension, or due to a scam aimed at stealing a person’s pension fund.  By working with forensic accountants and financial experts are able to build compelling evidence and documentation to strongly defend charges of this kind.

          Property fraud

          Property fraud may involve a scam in relation to a deal where you are required to put money down in exchange for a discount, or a ‘guaranteed’ rental return then never materialises.  It may also involve mortgage fraud or identity fraud to carry out the sale of a property the purported seller doesn’t actually own.

          How we can help

          Our fraud Solicitors are specialists in assisting individuals or businesses accused of all types of fraud. Department Head, Jeremy Scott – has over 30 years’ experience in criminal defence and has been involved in a wide range of fraud cases. We understand the pressure and worry a fraud investigation puts all those involved under so we’ll be with you throughout the process to ensure that you understand what’s happening, what your options are, and what the likely outcome will be.

          We will work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected, have the case dismissed with the minimum disruption and exposure whenever possible, or to minimise the effects of being found guilty if that’s the case.

          Contact our fraud solicitors in Sheffield, Leeds or York

          Our expert fraud solicitors are renowned for their strong success rates in challenging fraud cases.

          We will handle your case with the utmost sensitivity, we’ll take decisive action, and where at all possible we’ll aim to make your problems simply go away.

          As a leading Financial Crime department in one of the UK’s leading full-service law firms, Our Fraud Solicitors in Leeds, Sheffield and York work to help clients accused of Fraud from all parts of England & Wales, We’ve successfully represented clients in London, Birmingham, Manchester, and other major crown courts across the country.

          We provide an expert level of advice, advocacy and representation to people and businesses facing allegations of fraud, and we work only on a privately funded basis, so if you are facing a threat to your reputation or liberty from charges for fraud, talk to our team, we have the technical legal ability and the time-served experience to help secure the best outcome, even when things seem at their worst.

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