Bonus dispute claims
Bonus pay dispute claims
Our multi award-winning Employment lawyers are experts in advising individuals in relation to bonus and remuneration related disputes.

There are two types of bonuses that an employee can receive:
This is where the bonus has been agreed in writing as part of the remuneration package and will usually be based on the performance of an individual or the overall performance of the company (or the department) in which the individual is employed.
This type of bonus is also normally agreed against some sort of performance related targets. The difference is, the payment of the bonus is at the discretion of the employer. This does not mean, however, that the employer can simply refuse to pay the bonus – they must have reasonable cause.
How we can help if you are wanting to dispute a bonus
Questioning a bonus contract clause you are not happy with and re-wording it
Legal writing can be difficult to understand at the best of times and it’s important to seek an independent opinion when reviewing your bonus contract. Don’t take the word of the employer or their lawyer, or you might find it’s not in your favour when it comes to a dispute.
Disputing and claiming a non-paid bonus
If you are already in dispute and your employer is withholding all or part of your bonus, then it’s wise to engage an expert immediately. Your position is often strengthened when the employer realises you are serious about the dispute and the situation can normally be resolved expediently.
From the outset, we agree to take a pragmatic approach as we understand being in dispute with an employer is often uncomfortable. However, if things are escalating, we will be forceful when required.
How we can help
If you find yourself in either of these positions, please get in touch. We can help resolve your situation.
If you would like help, call our expert bonus dispute lawyers on 0333 323 5292 or fill in our contact form and let us help defend what may rightfully be yours.
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The Legal 500