Service charge, rent, restrictive covenant and repairing obligation disputes

Service charge, rent, restrictive covenant and repairing obligation disputes

We regularly act on behalf of tenants and landlords in relation to lease disputes concerning unpaid service charges and rent, breach of restrictive covenants and repairing obligations. Where possible, we aim to resolve such disputes outside of court and in an amicable way with your tenant or landlord as we understand that there will be an ongoing relationship after the dispute has been resolved.

How we can help

If there has been a breach of a restrictive covenant or repairing obligation in a lease, we will provide pragmatic advice on the best solution which may be recovering damages from the other party or if necessary, obtaining an injunction to prevent any future breaches or to force a party to comply with a covenant.

Likewise, if there is a claim for unpaid service charges or rent, we will carry out a full and detailed review of your Lease to clarify both parties’ responsibilities and to try and resolve the dispute without the need for litigation, for example by way of negotiation or mediation.

For more information or to have an initial discussion with a member of the team, please call please call 0333 323 5292 or fill in our enquiry form and we will be happy to help.

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