Asset forfeiture

Cash & Asset Forfeiture & Seizure Lawyers

Our specialist Asset Confiscation & Forfeiture Lawyers support and defend individuals or businesses facing investigations under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Our experienced SFO, HMRC & POCA Investigations Lawyers in Sheffield, Leeds, and York will provide the best legal advice no matter where you live in England or Wales.

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SFO & POCA Investigation Asset Forfeiture Lawyers

To discuss your requirements please contact Jeremy Scott on 07971520407

Enforcement agencies have a wide range of powers under Proceeds of Crime legislation to apply for seizure and forfeiture of assets, impose Restraint Orders and conduct civil recovery proceedings. All of these can have crippling consequences for companies in the short and the long term and expert advice is critical in such investigations.

POCA proceedings and hearings

The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 extended the courts powers to confiscate assets and imposes a burden on the defendant to prove that assets and income are not the result of criminal offending.

Confiscation proceedings may take place if you are convicted of an offence, and the offence is deemed to constitute a ‘criminal lifestyle’ offence under the Act (if you have benefited financially from your offending). If this is determined then the court can look to establish a benefit figure derived from offending over the last six years and then determine your available amount (assets, money etc.) to pay the benefit figure back.

This is a complex process and our expert team at Lupton Fawcett can assist you in negotiating a lower benefit figure and accurate available amount and will instruct expert forensic accountants and counsel where necessary.

It is vital that the amounts in an order are correct as you can be sent to prison if you default on the payments.

Restraint and freezing orders

Restraint orders are issued by the court in order to prevent assets that are believed to have been obtained through criminal conduct from being spent, given away, concealed or transferred. This is to ensure that the assets remain available for the purpose of criminal investigation and potential confiscation proceedings if you are later convicted.

A Restraint Order can be applied for by the police or prosecuting authority and can be issued by a Crown Court if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is a genuine risk that assets will be dissipated.

It is vital that you seek advice as soon as you are notified of any such order so that our expert team can assist in ensuring that you have sufficient living expenses and negotiating the terms of any order.

Our experienced team at Lupton Fawcett can also assist you in applying to the court to discharge such an order, if it can be shown that the order is not justified and that there is no real risk of the assets being dissipated

Regulatory and corporate defence solicitors

Our experienced team can help no matter what situation your business is facing. Contact our Leeds, Yorkshire or Sheffield office today to find out more, or use our contact details below.

Talk to us

We have experienced Asset Forfeiture Lawyers and Asset Seizure Solicitors ready to answer your enquiries via email or telephone.

Lupton Fawcett are a leading personal and commercial law firm in Yorkshire with well-established offices of highly experienced solicitors in Leeds, Sheffield and York.

We provide a personalised service, with sector specialists and extensive resources to ensure we are giving you the best solutions to your problems.

Within every area of law, we put your interests first.

How we can help

Our Business Crime Solicitors act regularly for clients across the United Kingdom including Bradford, Birmingham, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Sheffield, York and Nottingham.  We also provide specialist niche legal and commercial services for Irish companies wishing to do business in the UK and legal advice for UK companies trading in the  Republic of Ireland.  We can support your needs wherever you live in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland.

We will always respond promptly, and we will be happy to help.

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The Legal 500

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