Case study

How we provide clients with amicable non-court separation solutions


Our client, Mrs A and her husband, Mr A, had separated following a number of years where they had been drifting apart.

They both shared a sadness that their relationship had deteriorated but agreed that their separation should be made permanent.

They had discussed the option of divorce but were not really sure how it worked or how they could or should sort out their finances.

The Managing Director normally relied on the HR Manager to conduct investigations and assist in disciplinary meetings. He couldn’t do so in this case given that they were the subject of the investigation. It was also necessary to conduct the investigation covertly as they did not want the employees tipped off about what was happening.

Key Contact

How we helped…

We were able to represent Mrs A through the collaborative law process which involved having meetings with Mr A and his solicitor all together, where we were able to advise and support Mrs A in reaching a financial settlement and an agreed way forwards with the divorce.

Mrs A’s main aim was to be able to continue living in the family home and we were able to negotiate a settlement that allowed her to do this and have the income to be able to afford to do so. We were able to reach an agreement over the course of three meetings and avoided the need to go to court. The discussions that took place were respectful and conducted in a constructive way so that Mrs A’s hope to attend their daughter’s wedding with Mr A without worrying were achieved.

Contact us

When relationships break down or families quarrel, litigation can be an expensive and damaging option. We are here to help you with collaborative family law.

To find out more call us or complete the enquiry form and we will get back in touch with you quickly.


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